We were delighted to receive a wee Christmas present from the Renewco M74 West Small Grants Programme which has provided £500 for IT upgrades. These will be invaluable as we move back into the our refurbished building. Thank you to Renewco for this support. Looking forward to being back in the buidling in the New Year with this upgraded equipment!
Easy Fundraising
Choose our cause to help us raise funds for young people throughout Rural Clydesdale.
It is very simple and doesn’t cost you a penny!
BYP is a Coop Good Cause
Biggar Youth Project has been selected as one of the Coop’s Good Causes for 2022/23.
When you buy selected Co-op products and services, 2p for every £1 spent goes to Good Causes. Coop members (that’s anyone with a Coop card) can select which causes they would like to support.
To support Biggar Youth Project please select us as your Good Cause.
Metal detecting hits gold for BYP
Big thanks to Lothian Relics Charity Digs for donating funds that that they raised during a metal detecting event in the Biggar area. This is really appreciated and will help us to support young people at BYP.
The group organise weekly metal detecting events across Scotland raise funds for charity.
Scottish Children’s Lottery award
We’re delighted to have been awarded £7,000 from the Scottish Children’s Lottery fund as part of their Chance to Flourish programme.
Building Refurbishment Project
We are very excited to have received funding from South Lanarkshire’s Place Based Investment Fund for feasibility and design work for renovations on the building.
The renovations will aim make the Old Auction Ring more modern and welcoming, as well as improving energy efficiency.
After a competitive tendering process, Fraser/Livingstone Architects have been appointed to lead the design work. They recently ran a workshop with high school pupils to obtain their views on what they do and don’t like about the building, and will be using this draw up some design options.
Watch this space for more news on this project!