The cost-of-living crisis is expected to put 16.4 million people in fuel poverty this winter, with many forced to choose between food and warmth. Community organisations across the UK have already seen a soar in demand for their services and anticipate this number to further rise over the winter months, with many people expected to look for their support for the first time.
We need your help to ensure that we can fulfil our promise to provide a safe, free, warm and welcoming space for individuals and families to keep encouraged and out of the cold. Your support will assist us with the running costs of keeping our lights on and our heat up, paying our staff for additional hours and providing our volunteers with everything they need to offer the warm hospitality and essentials that we seek to provide to anyone attending our Warm Welcome space; tea, coffee and/or a bite to eat. Please consider giving generously so that we can provide the best possible support to our community in their time of need. If you can’t give financially at this time and would like to offer to volunteer your time, please contact us at the centre. Thank you for your love and support. If you would like to find out more about our Warm Welcome space, or discuss how you can support us financially, please get in touch