Biggar Youth Project SCIO: A Place for Young People to Flourish

Biggar Youth Project SCIO offers young individuals between the ages of 11 and 18 a place to enjoy and use as they see fit.

In the early 1990s, the youth project started using local venues in Clydesdale until the Old Auction Ring was generously gifted to the young people of the town. The building was rebuilt by parents and caregivers to provide a welcoming space for the youth.

During the pandemic, a new project coordinator was appointed, and with the support of the charity trustees, it was decided to upgrade the building. The young people were involved in every step of the renovation, reigniting their excitement for the project. The upgraded building now promises to be a more welcoming, warmer, and brighter space.

In the past, the building was hidden and out of sight. However, the staff and volunteers have worked hard to bring the community together and into the building. The young people have been thrilled with the involvement of the community, and with the upcoming reopening, there will be many more opportunities for them to take pride in their building.

We are embarking on a new era, moving forward with renewed enthusiasm and excitement.