BYP is coming back!
In the first of our BYP On the Road events, we will be running a session of Friday afternoon activities on 23rd Feb from 1:45 – 5pm at the hall next to Arcadia Music shop (Snooker and Social Club Hall). You must have filled in a membership form to attend. Sharon and the team look…
New Building News
Our new building is becoming real. Here are the plans for the new build. Keep checking our socials for updates. While we are closed we will be visiting communities where our young people live and keeping in touch with them. Cook offs, cinema nights and games are all in the pipeline. If you live in…
Easy Fundraising
https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/biggaryouthproject Choose our cause to help us raise funds for young people throughout Rural Clydesdale. It is very simple and doesn’t cost you a penny!
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